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Home Update: Closed Beta Codes Delayed
by GGTL Newsteam
Many PS3 gamers waiting in anticipation for their closed beta key wil be disappointed, as they have been delayed again, according to Home Community Manager on the EU PlayStation Forums, TedTheDog.

External problems due to issues with SCEE's email systems have caused the beta keys, which were due to be sent last Friday, being prevented from being distributed.

Just over 20,000 Beta key emails managed to make their way through the email chaos to reach their lucky recipients, many of who have downloaded the Home Beta and are enjoying it at the current time.

TedTheDog ensures the PlayStation community that SCEE intend to resend all the beta emails they think didn't get through as soon as they can, and also attempt to send a larger batch on Thursday (27th November). However, the email problem needs to be dealt with first. Ted also tells us that SCEE are working on the email blockage, but it's a pretty slow process, so it is safe to say that no emails will leave Home HQ today.

For those interested, the first batch of beta emails were targetted at a certain percentage of people who downloaded something from the PlayStation Store, and has nothing to do with the number of posts on the EU PlayStation Forums, as some thought. The next batch will be making their way to active PSN users who have logged into an SCEE hosted game in the last couple of months. Although some will not get a beta key, those who don't can be assured that the Open Beta will hit the Store before Christmas.


PS. The firewall which was put on Home to prevent gamesharing has been removed, thus making Home act like many other PSN games in the fact that it can be shared. However, TedTheDog and SCE encourage users to keep their PSN ID, password and other confidential information private and to avoid gamesharing at all costs. Please be sensible and keep your PSN login information private.

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- GGTL Newsteam

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